Sha-moose videos

Sha-moose's latest!...

"Speed" Realize your own 'Star-people-talking' creative potential by releasing other people's outdated visions of what you're capable of. You're much Faster than those who came before you - time to stop following their butts through the swamp! Ha!

"Salmon Song" Sha-moose envisions a vision about envisioning your own vision. Okay, it's a little existential, perhaps, but he does bring valuable information on how to bring your vision into view!

"The Ghost of Joy" Sha-moose does a vision quest for what medicine he should talk about and ends up having an epiphany, followed by joy, Joy, JOY!!...

"Happy Re-Birth Day" Sha-moose consults on a career question... 

"Dear Sha-moose... what would be the most useful animal medicine for me to keep in mind with what I’m going through at this time? ~ Scotland Girl”

Here's what a reading for a whole family (including the cat!) looks like:
Part 1: Elephant Medicine

Part 2: Eagle and Woodpecker Medicine

Part 3: Goose and Lynx Medicine


Who better to dispel animal wisdom than a moose (a Shaman-moose, no less)? They know what to say, when to say it, and they have those huge antlers as antennae for receiving signals! Enjoy!...

"Big Medicine Love" (Sha-moose's introduction)

"Eagle Medicine" "Fly your heart up here!..."

"Alligator Medicine" Sha-moose and Little Twig offer the wisdom of Alligator medicine for gleaning the benefits from life's more challenging experiences... 

Big Medicine Love to You!
~ Sha-moose and Black Feather (aka David J. Nagy)

To request your own animal wisdom insights through Sha-moose, email us at

If your heart brings to mind a friend(s) who would find this information helpful, send Pigeon medicine (by clicking on the appropriate link below) to carry the message to them!