Soul-Medicine Readings

Take a powerful step towards becoming and outwardly expressing your True state of being.

Heal old thought processes, outworn patterns and ways of experiencing your world that are no longer serving you.

Find greater clarity and new ways of dealing with your life experiences.

Bring balance to your life so that you can use your energy in a much more grounded, centred and authentic way!

If too many voices are pulling you this way and that, situations are confusing you, allow me to help you access your own inner wisdom.

A Soul-Medicine reading will get you there!

There’s a large spiritual force working with you right now that have your best interests at heart; wouldn’t you like to know what they’d like you to know?!

Why am I making this offer? Why am I asking such a relatively small amount for a reading that most psychics and healers charge anywhere from 150 to $300 or more for? Because I believe in the Beauty of this world, I believe in the abilities I’ve been blessed with, and I believe in you.

Every one of us is born with the ability to see beyond what we assume to be reality, but not all of us readily access it. Aiding you in the expansion of your gifts and abilities by using mine helps us All. In other words, helping you to realise your soul’s purpose is my soul’s purpose!

Why is it that I believe I can help you with that? Ask these people…

What I received was nothing less than a vision quest followed by a detailed interpretation and synthesis of the symbols that showed up, all of this written with craftsmanship, intelligence and gentleness. What struck me, apart from the fact that it was accurate, was Black Feather’s generosity, along with the integrity and efficiency of his process.

this particular journey has been an experience of growth and healing, filled with joy and surprises. I feel blessed about it. Looking back at my tracks and heading for more luminous paths, I know this was made possible by Black Feather’s authentic intention to help and to heal. His work is a labour of love.” ~ Line

“I would describe it as no other experience that I have ever had… It gives the chance to delve into emotions, thoughts, and energy in a safe, healing environment. There is a great feeling of release afterwards and a sense of peace. It has enabled me to remove emotional blocks I have had and given me a greater sense of personal awareness. Overall, a jolly good time! Ha, ha!” ~ Lisa

“David is witty, compassionate, and his empathy is off the charts. I know a lot of people would think that humor would not be important in a healing situation, but it definitely helps diffuse those situations where you are hearing about something you don't want to deal with and I, for one, tend to remember the lessons that are sprinkled with wit and humor much better.” ~ Sharon

“David, thank you for the soul reading. It was intense, uplifting, and filled with so much love (and laughter). You are truly gifted, and I wish you all the best!” ~ Nina

“Respectful. Patient. Cathartic.” ~ Isabelle

“…deep reflection, soul healing (or perhaps, soul ‘hugging‘)… the experience revitalized my God/Universe-given talents, which was unanticipated, yet welcomed.” ~ Annie

"Although I have practiced energy medicine for most of my life, I was not prepared for the astonishing results. I can only credit it to you for your gentle compassion, your soul-felt interest and encouragement, your vision and intuition and your skill at walking me through old wounds, difficulties and even perspectives, acknowledging them and then bringing in a new healed potential. I felt as though I had a friend by my side, with my best interest at heart… Thank you for sharing your abilities!" ~ Cindy

“David, you gave surprisingly accurate descriptions of my situation; this developed in me new awareness and recognition; and afterward, the deepest feeling of peace & serenity that I've EVER had. EVER. It lasted for hours and hours --- even when I wondered ‘how long will this last?’ (which can usually trigger fear or suspicion in me)… And I mean EVER. Nothing has equalled that or surpassed it in all my decades on earth. a-MA-zing.” ~ Ann

And if that isn’t enough for you, ask your heart if I'm able to help you, and see what it tells you!...

Big Medicine Love to You
Black Feather (aka David J. Nagy)