Saturday, March 30, 2013

Missing Child

A couple of weeks ago, I was Nudged to do a portrait with the intention of assisting in the search for a missing child. As a component of bringing it into awareness, I’m presenting some of the information that was revealed in it here (/below). Firstly, though, I’ll offer this WARNING: you might find the information that follows disturbing (I did). Consider whether it’s your own Higher Guidance telling you to continue, or just curiosity (in which case, please, don’t read any further).

In the interest of protecting the family, I’m not to supply the given name of the person(s) involved. I trust that Spirit has the implications of that all worked out.

There’s a lot more that can be said about the information that’s revealed in the drawing. There’s more that can be drawn as well, but this is as much as I’m being guided to present (at this time, anyway).

If something in this description brings information to mind that you feel is pertinent and would be helpful to this (or another) abduction, please contact the appropriate authorities (i.e. not me). Mind you, if something else has fallen into place that you’d like my help with, then don’t hesitate to connect.

(To enable viewing the photo and the details about it simultaneously, I suggest opening the photo in a second tab, rather than scrolling.)

To open, I’ll direct your attention to the two characters in the top-right corner, the Dog and a Bear. At this point, I won’t go into a lot of detail about them, other than to say that as a totem, Dog carries the medicine of ‘compassionate service to humankind’. In this case, it’s representative of the authorities (/police and such) working on the case. In the larger sense, I’m sure it could be said that it includes all the kind-hearted individuals lending their compassionate service, members of the public included. The Bear with the ‘peace’ symbol of two feathers on its head references a person who facilitates connection to the Dreamtime and the shamanic tradition of accessing it for information. The instrument that the dog is holding at the bear’s ear is at once a magnifying glass (~ an instrument used for inspecting clues), a listening device (~ to access what the bear ‘hears’ as information), and a set of eyeglasses (~ self-explanatory, I suppose).

The way the dog and bear are depicted makes it appear as though they’re having a bit of a ‘love-in’ (or perhaps that’s just my idealism creeping in). Fun aside, the message is that by working /being together, ‘their noses will get them to the same place’.

The child being sought is represented by the head of a young girl, below and (slightly) left of the bear and dog. As much as I’d rather not say this, I interpret this image of her (as it relates to and is informed by other elements in the picture) as indication this is a ‘recovery’ operation, rather than a ‘rescue’. That be what it is, I’m just going to (breathe for a moment, and) go on from there. Her lips are outlined darkly. While in one aspect it’s a reference to her person /body having been put under water, I believe it also describes a dark lipstick that was applied to them.

Although I’m to mention it, I’m not aware of the significance of the detail of the inside of her eyelid: her left eyelid is portrayed as though lifted by a (future) hand not shown, revealing three horizontal lines on its underside.

Just below and to the left of this image are depictions of a doll. One of them is in a dog’s mouth …the family dog? I don’t think that’s quite right. I believe it may have (more) to do with the young girl’s abduction. Interestingly, the dog’s ears are depicted in the same manner as the (more vaguely drawn) image of the upset young girl to the right of it. She’s trying to bring someone’s (~ her mother’s) attention (the figure with the bird’s head on her own) to what the dog is doing, imploring her (/others) to come and do something about it. She’s really angry /upset by it, so much so that she’s showing (gnashing) teeth on her lower jaw. Whether or not this was an action that took place in her physical life is irrelevant; it’s depicted this way to show what’s happened /happening in spirit.

Towards the bottom right corner is a ‘whistling’ woman, (which other details in the portrait tell me is) mother to the young girl’s abductor. For all I know, she may indeed be prone to whistling, but the attitude of her lips is more a reference to a specific physical trait. Incidentally, I’m to mention that this woman has some (obviously serious) past life karma, in connection to the abducted girl’s mother.

Her son (the young girl’s abductor) is shown in the part (/broken) circle towards the top-left corner, as the man with the coyote. On a humanitarian note, there are images to the left of him describing the influences upon him, what it is that motivates him to act the way he does /did. That said, those aren’t details I’m going to look into (at this time).

As referred to in the description of his mom (sister? …no; mom), the man’s lips are very distinctive. While the upper lip is pretty much totally hidden by his wiry black moustache, the lower one is so full that it appears as though in an upturned, perpetual (‘intentional’) pout. He has a brown complexion, and his skin tone appears somewhat ‘dirty’ – even when freshly shaven, he appears to have ‘shadow’-dark spots of stubble. As concerns the look to his eyes, he’s depicted – representationally – looking to the right, as though disinterested, though he’s not, as his left eye is taking in things linked /related to his ‘Coyote trick’ (clarification follows). Although it isn’t (yet?) drawn in (fully), this man has a substantial ‘mass’ of hair. It’s black (with a greyish shine /tinge), very thick, and mounds up quite high on his head, like a rounded traffic cone (though more squat). He wears something in his hair above his forehead that – while I’m very curious about it myself – I’m apparently not to further clarify at this point (incidentally, it’s not sunglasses).

Coyote medicine references personal (self-defeating) tricks that you play over and over, thinking yourself clever. You do them feeling as though they’ll get you what you want, but you’re inevitably left unsatisfied. In my shamanic healing practice, depictions of Coyote often reference demonic presences /entities, attached to and attempting to exert influence upon their ‘host’.

The image of the coyote is in one instance symbolic of the man’s ‘trick’, but is nudging me towards it also being a link to a (specific) dog, for the fact that it’s eyes seem to identify it as a female. Further to that note, there’s a length of material to the right in the shape of a figure eight. If you’re on the same train of thought I am, it’s a leash. Following it from where it starts /touches the edge of the man/ dog/coyote circle, the other end of it – where it comes back around to touch the centre of the ‘eight’ – looks kind of like a heart and has a (very) short split in it. I think you can put that symbolism together for yourself.

I believe that’s all I’m ‘supposed’ to say here, to this point, at least.

I trust that Spirit has nudged me to present this information as necessary; God/dess’ Will be done. (Perhaps it’s just my own ego interfering, but…) personally, I hope that what I’ve been guided to present here is a means of inspiring respectful collaboration and healing for all concerned.

Big Medicine Love to You
Black Feather

p.s. (especially) if you're an artist with an interest in healing, I wholeheartedly believe that I can teach you how to do psychic drawing likes this yourself, whether you feel you have psychic abilities or not - I have absolutely no doubt that you're capable.

And if you did go against your ‘better judgment’, read anyway and found yourself feeling disturbed, then please, don’t suppress what you feel; beat into a pillow, go to a safe place and scream it out, or find some other (functional) way of releasing it, until you feel that your energy is circulating freely again. Don’t allow it to manifest as a catastrophe.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reflections on Heron: Turning Inward

One of the main aspects of Heron's medicines is self-reflection. It's about going beyond the surface, beyond appearances, to realize your true nature, your true state of being.

When Heron inspires us to dip our head into the water, water isn’t just a metaphor for emotions, nor is it limited to our subconscious. Many people fear that that’s as far as they’ll get, stuck in a swirling eddy of every uncomfortable emotion they’ve ever had, but that’s the ego’s, the mind’s preoccupation. Below all is your true nature.

Water's surface is like a mirror for the many reflections of ourselves, but when we look at the surface of who we imagine ourselves to be, it's not necessarily our individual, authentic Selves we're perceiving. We pick up things from other people (and spirits). Taking just your formative years in this life, for example; how many habits do you think (/ or feel) you've picked up from the people around you? What of other people’s perspectives have you adopted?

It begs the question: Is it yours? Is it You?

If you can see that you might have adopted behaviours, what about opinions? judgements? 'ways of being in the world'? beliefs? For further mysteries in that regard, consider that you've also carried reflections over from past lives.

In the Grand Divine Design of it all, everyone that comes into our experience is ultimately a part of ourselves, and part of our journey is to work through what karma we've accrued with them, on our path to realizing ourselves as essential Light.

If you’re reading this, you’re ready to move in a new direction, to discover things about yourself and your lifedream, what’s hidden below the surface of what the perceptions you’ve adopted have presented to you. Take the opportunity to see through the veil. If you feel you need help with it, connect with a healer or seer. It doesn’t have to be me; just go with whoever presents and resonates with you (and don’t worry; there is no wrong choice – as Spirit would have it, we always receive the exact medicine we need). You’ll experience a renewal in your relationships with others, yes, but most importantly, in your relationship with your Self.

Big Medicine Love to You
Black Feather

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Abundance, Miracles: ‘Living the Dream’

As regards manifestation, what’s a miracle, anyway? And why doesn’t it appear that synchronicities and the like happen every single moment?

I mean, I have no doubt that miracles exist. Whenever I do a psychic portrait for someone I’ve never met, for instance, and something shows up in it like a clearly recognizable visage of the subject’s husband, or an image of a tattoo a guy has that others don’t normally get to see, I can’t help but appreciate it as such. Minute textures that were created when the paper itself was being formed, subtle variations in the pressure exerted by pencil on paper as I prepared the background, even a rare occurrence like a cat ‘accidentally’ walking across the drawing’s surface; these are just some of an unimaginable number of influences that come together to cause the images to appear in what I can only describe as a phenomenal way.

With faith in this kind of ‘magic’ well in hand, I’ve been pondering it in connection to the issue of knowing yourself as an infinite being (intimately connected to all the other ‘starstuff ‘ in the Überverse), yet feeling repeatedly frustrated over attempts at manifestation.

It’s not as if I haven’t put in enough effort, faith, resonant emotion, what-have-you, etc, etc. I don’t believe anyone on the planet could tell me much about the how-to’s of manifestation that I don’t already know. And I’m aware enough not to accept any misplaced self-blame by saying ‘I’m doing it wrong’. Yet in the area of monetary means in particular, I’ve continually found my lifedream coming up short.

It’s not that I don’t manifest at all, or that I’m getting things in a form that I’m just not recognizing (or, or, or… ). It’s more that it seemed I was in a pattern of manifesting just a trickle of what would help, and always after a (deadline) had passed and I’d broken down in a heap. The ‘heap’ part is past tense (well, let’s say 99% past tense, anyway), as I’ve gotten quite adept at accepting whatever happens, especially once I’d gotten started thinking that perhaps rather than getting what we desire, we receive what our guides and Higher Selves deem most beneficial to our soul’s growth.

A psychic once told me that the theme of my life this time around would be ‘disappointment’. While I don’t doubt that I’ve accrued some past-life karma that required balancing, I don’t believe that can’t be amended in any given moment.

A bit overdramatic, perhaps (after all, it’s not as though I’m living in a concentration camp or anything, this time around), but in my mind, I got to describing this particular aspect of my lifedream as I would a nightmare. And I’d gotten well tired of it. I’m only interested in seeing living it as ‘entertainment’ for so long. While I believe in appreciating your life and its challenges /fears /dramas as you would other things you’d take in (and even pay money for) as entertainment, I came to the simple realisation that this wasn’t entertainment I’d pay to see! So I started changing it.

Our waking life is as our dream life, as it also is the Dreamtime; it’s just that this physical experience takes place in another vibrational dimension, with another level of awareness. Your life is a dream, and ‘miracles’ can happen in it just as they /things happen in your sleeping dreams, spontaneously, unprompted, unexpectedly. Miracles seem to defy conventional wisdom during our waking hours, but in our dreams, they’re accepted as the norm.

What to do when you don’t ‘like’ something about the Dream you’re living, when it feels more like a nightmare, when you feel as though no matter what you try in regards to that significant /bothersome aspect, you’re doomed to a life of inexorable disappointment?

Firstly, I told my guides, angels, my self, my Higher Self and whom /whatever else might need informing that this was just. not. acceptable.

I got to considering what happens in a lucid dream when I turn around to confront something that’s chasing or frightening me. I’ll either direct an “I love you” to it, or at least say “thank you” (…for being there, for the potential of the knowledge /insight it’s providing me, for the ‘thrill’ it’s giving me, whatever). Whenever I have the wherewithal to do that, the thing inevitably diminishes or otherwise changes into something unimposing.

Also, a saying that’s been (stuck) in my mind for a while now is: ‘Love your life, and life will love you’. I started directing “I love you’s” and “thank you’s” to the ‘nightmare’ in my life (out loud or otherwise), and it did begin to diminish.

And then I happened to actually do something…

I’d been thinking for a while now that I’d rather not be subject to Yahoo mail’s version of ‘news’. Again, it’s not ‘entertainment’ that I’d pay to have in my life (not that I’ve been dishing out monies for the service, but I well believe it’s been costing my mind, body and spirit, every time I’m subjected to it), so I took action to change my email host [by the way, if you haven’t had cause to use it yet, my new email address is: blackfeathermedicine(at)].

Already, I can say (short of getting into specifics) that my message to the Überverse seems to be working.

And, hey, if you can apply something similar and it works for you, there’s another desire of mine manifested.

All said and done, if you manage to get through the trials of your lifedream – even with the self-blame we seem to inevitably subject ourselves to – and manage to love yourself nonetheless, well, perhaps that’s the best of abundant miracles, right there.

Big Medicine Love to You

~Black Feather

post?script: when you have a dream, and you feel that the dream was just your mind’s reaction to something that came into your life the day before, consider for a moment that you Dreamed that (person, place, thing, whatever) into your waking reality before your dream because your dream required it (to move you into your next level of development, for instance). In that light, things manifest before you need them; Miracles do happen every single moment.