Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shamanic Earthwalk: call in an Earth Angel

Curiously,I was guided to undertake an Earthwalk as night/darkness was coming on. The theme for it was described by Horse and Beaver. I took this to mean that I’d be presented with signs proffering messages that would give insight related to difficulties using power compassionately, ego getting in the way, blocking the energetic flow that would otherwise help in working in community, for the good of all. Asking for totems to guide me, I was to follow suggestions put forth by Dog and Mouse.

The appearance of Dog immediately brought to mind a dog skull I’d happened upon on a walk a couple days’ previous. This wasn’t the same one I’d seen on the Earthwalk I’d posted previously, but another one. At the time, I thought, “What? Am I destined to come upon dog bones on every walk I take?”  While I realize that so many of us are here on missions of compassionate service, seeing how Dog is sometimes treated really threw my ability to extend myself.

Once I found my way in the rapidly dimming light to this most recent skull, I took out my flashlight, made like Mouse, and started scouring the trail and forest floor for what details I could find. Whiskers to the ground, I couldn’t help but notice a small spot of brown goo that looked like oil. Having given it a sniff, I found out it wasn’t oil, though for the life of me I couldn’t tell what it actually was (thankfully, it wasn’t faeces, either!). The colour brown is a suggestion to become more grounded. For the fact that it had appeared in the form of a fairly fluid substance (as compared to an object with very defined edges/borders/boundaries), it also seemed to be a message to become more a part of the earth and my/our surroundings, in contrast to existing as such an individual/egoic entity.

The flashlight illuminated tiny white fungi that were on the dog skull and over much of the forest floor. I now understood one of the reasons I was guided to do this walk during darkness; this fungus would have been nearly invisible in daylight. The whiteness of the fungi (~ a reference to our “…innocence, surrender, peace, and protection”, and our angelic nature) is something that’s easiest to see in darkness (~ during difficulties, challenges, our ‘dark times’, when it’s difficult to maintain hope). When the sun is shining and all is rosy, our angelic natures are in plain view (that is, the tip of the iceberg is, at least), but not as easy to recognize or appreciate, without contrast. The difficulties we’re presently experiencing help facilitate that (as in the case of coming upon the dead dogs I seem to keep finding).

At the intersection of two gravelly trails, I found a piece of a white plastic banner with a blue dot on it (~ offering clarity) and a ‘Mini’ logo on it with wings ~ “…a desire for freedom, abandon, glory, self-expression and to take flight from the confines of your earthbound life that you may feel a closer connection to God/Goddess/Spirit”. It had been part of a piece of flagging that someone had used to mark a rally route. In one direction, a path climbed steeply upwards. I followed it (taking the earlier appearance of the wings image as a message to indicate – among other things – attaining some height).

I stopped when I felt I was in ‘the right spot’. My flashlight on for a moment, I found myself looking directly at an incredibly vivid shadow of a butterfly, an effect of the torch casting its spotlight on a lone patch of leaves directly in front of it. I was awestruck by the perfection of the image/experience, and sat down to meditate on it.

Now in the dark, I heard owls in the distance. Wondering about what they might be hunting, I tried to be Mouse – in accord with the ‘Mini’ sign, I thought myself small. Although I didn’t otherwise hear or see anything, (my perception of) what light there was suddenly went visibly darker, twice. Not knowing what to make of that, I (later) pulled a Path of the Soul card for some insight. It talked about friends and loved ones who’ve crossed over wanting me to know that they are with us. In hindsight, it made perfect sense, Owl being (among other things), the go-between to the Underworld.

I got to thinking about the signs I’d been presented and the suggestion of ‘making myself small(/Mini)’; in other words, lessening my ego and loosening my boundaries. I recollected a shamanic death experience during which I’d taken on a demonic energy (for ‘transport’, to deal with at a later time). I couldn’t ever see myself doing that again, but why not take on the alternative, I wondered? (…and then, “Why didn’t I think of it before?”). I opened my arms to welcome in a ‘good’ earth energy, with the intent that it be an energetic entity that’s working towards the healing of the planet. At that moment, the wind picked up. I saw a short, white, ghost-like figure running through the forest in my peripheral vision. Guidance describes it as an Earth Angel.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but I can’t say that I necessarily felt any ‘different’ in the moment. But then, in the case of my realization with the demonic presence earlier, I only became vividly aware of its presence after some time had passed (‘evicted’ since, thank you very much!). As confirmation, on my way out of the woods, I peered through a window frame into the ruins of an abandoned house and caught a brief impression of the movements of a bird that I’d startled with my light. I couldn’t see it directly, but it was definitely in there.

As ever, a Shamanic Earthwalk is a Shared Earthwalk. For those of you finding it challenging to stay your path at this time, Earth is putting this forth as a message for you to call in an Earth Angel (as compared to calling on one). It may be subtle at first, but you’ll find yourself experiencing greater clarity, feeling renewed, and with a deeper understanding of your purpose here on Earth.
Big Medicine Love to You,
~ Black Feather

Italic text in quotations are taken from I Had TheStrangest Dream: the Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century by Kelly Sullivan-Walden.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Shaman’s Earthwalk: feeling tired, drained, ‘blocked’? What Source and Mother Earth have to say about finding balance…

The angelic realm and Mother Earth call out, wanting and ready to help us in every way they can. Sometimes they talk in whispers, and sometimes they communicate by placing messages on our life-path that we could pretty much trip over. That said, we don’t always notice them. Oftentimes, for the fact that there’s so much chatter going on in it, our rational(?) minds don’t do us any favours in that respect; what we’re influenced to think and feel can undermine us by clouding our perception of what’s being communicated. An Earthwalk is a way of getting around the mental gymnastics going on up there. It’s a grounded, meditative, physical walkabout, undertaken with the intention of giving attention to and (later) interpreting the signs directly laid out for our benefit, to see what Source and Mother Earth immediately wish to communicate to us (either as individuals, or ‘us’ collectively, as is the case with this one).

My Guidance suggested that I consult animal medicine cards regarding a theme for this particular Earthwalk. What presented was Pigeon, Skunk, and contrary Beaver, which I took to mean, ‘You’ll be presented with messages to relay from your spiritual (/Universal) family about why it feels to many as though their energies are blocked at this time, a message relevant to what’s affecting many others in your community’.

Lately I’d been noticing that many people (myself included) have mentioned feeling a little lost, their energy depleted, having little motivation to do anything (and internally beating themselves up for it). It seemed that this walk would provide answers for why that was happening.

I also drew a card for a guiding, helper animal, and received Deer.

Previous to pulling the cards, I’d already had an intuitive sense of where I was to begin. I went to an unused gravel (logging?) road I’d seen from the highway, where a shallow quarry had been dug into one corner of the intersection. With no means to flow out, water was sitting in it, muddied and stagnant. In hindsight, it resonated well with the blockage suggested by contrary Beaver.

As I found a place to stow my bicycle, I immediately happened upon a cane staff, cut to just the right length for me. Besides taking it as a confirmation that I was in the right place (after all, how better to start a walk than with the gift of a walking stick?), I recognized it as a traditional symbol of power and masculinity. The staff was of a type of cane that grows here (in Portugal); very similar to bamboo, but not nearly as long-lasting. This particular piece was in good form and would well serve for the time being, but there seemed to be a reference here to ‘impermanence’, regarding the nature of masculinity (on the whole).

As I continued, there was a discarded blue oil drum to my right (~ on the male/masculine side). Blue items typically get my attention, as the colour is a symbol suggesting clarity is being offered. Oil is symbolic of an old form of energy, one that can run out and leaves a lot of residue/pollution when it burns.

As I headed up an incline, there were drainage rivulets washed into the road, making the route less passable, were you to consider using it to move vehicles or goods back and forth over. I took it as a suggestion that in the process of natural cleansing (by rain), old pathways and modes of energy conveyance were being reformed to accommodate more natural processes, a more natural flow of energies.

Just ahead on the left: a pile of garbage ~ “…useless energy that can be recycled, like compost, into fertilizer for something new… suggesting that it is [a time of] change, that you [are] releasing [that which is] no longer supportive to you, in order to make room for that which is.”

The road started curving to the right just ahead. Tuning in to get a sense of where to go from there, the question, “What would Deer do?” came to mind. Deer isn’t as likely as, say, Moose to follow the road. Although the deer in that area had been hunted out years ago, I eyed a path where a deer trail would be likely, and headed cross-country. Deer’s guidance was taking me North ~ the place of wisdom from the Elders.

I came across burnt stumps, symbols of emasculation. The fact that they were burnt suggested that transformation of masculinity as we’ve previously experienced it was taking place.

I crossed a second road and a moth flew up, a suggestion that continuing to head towards the light will help you to understand who you are becoming during this period of (darkness/) ‘not knowing’.

From the viewpoint I had, I could look back and see a civilization in the distance, behind a curve, in the direction I had originally come. It’s a time for letting go of that which we’ve been holding on to, and sharing new information, insights and understanding.

Continuing cross-country, I happened upon very symmetrical (and puzzling) square and round holes in the ground. Both are signs of balance, the square a reference to “…thinking outside the box”; the circle, “…wholeness, infinity, cycles, unity and your connection with feminine essence”. Following the signs through to this point, I interpreted the Earthwalk’s message as saying that the contrasting energies many of us are feeling lately are due to the transformation that masculine energy on the planet is undergoing. Whatever balance of ‘male’ or ‘female’ you identify yourself as, an aspect of masculinity (yours personally, as well as the Divine masculine) is undergoing a cleansing and transmutation process. In hindsight, I remember seeing a power line, crossing the view between myself and the distant civilization ~ even those of us who are not experiencing the shift of these masculine energies in full consciousness awareness carry and are being energetically affected by this alteration that’s taking place.

I noticed fungi at the base of a burnt stump, working to hasten its decomposition/deterioration ~ “…life continues to emerge even from decay…. about the life/death/life cycle, the fact that nothing ever dies, and that there is always a growth opportunity hidden with all things that appear to be maligned”.

…and then a seed that looked like a button ~ a (new) power is about to be uncovered/revealed through the removal of armour, one that contains awareness of intimacy.

I became aware of there being a lot of gravel where I’d been travelling ~ “…take each step mindfully. You may be feeling as if you are on unsteady ground.” Gravel being a primary material for roadwork, it’s also symbolic of repair of (/healing) and creating new pathways. Old restrictions are disappearing, and new pathways are being opened up that will take us further than we’ve been able to go previously.

A lot of the fungi I saw on the ground were very powdery ~ “…a message to soften your touch or smooth out your approach to life”, but also that there’s a lot more going on beneath the surface that isn’t visible at present (like only seeing the tip of the iceberg, but on a much magnified level). While the forces at work are barely perceptible, the actions taking place – the seeds being germinated – are astoundingly prolific.

While some of the trees (eucalyptus, actually) that had been previously cut had been stimulated to produce new growth as a result, some others had died off completely. One (/this) particular tree had three cut-off burnt trunks, which I took as a reference to the transformation of the Divine masculine that’s taking place. It also had a spiral opening at the base of the crotch, a symbol of the Divine feminine, “…openness, receptivity, sensuality, sexuality, the mystery of life, and fertility “. Eucalyptus is a symbol of prudence, a suggestion to move ahead with caution/care; some individuals that don’t take this opportunity for new growth to heart (by accessing their gifts of intuition, for example) will not survive to create in alignment with the new dimensions and realities that Source and Mother Earth are unlocking, to experience the benefits of the indescribable growth that’s being stimulated.

I was guided to follow back on my track a little and bring two different objects together, a mushroom that looked like both a rock and a snail, and a small stone of marble with a piece chipped off of it. This transformation might seem like it’s happening at a snail’s pace, but in the grand scheme of things, what’s being created – the work of art (that is you) being naturally sculpted – is happening at an amazing rate. Alternatively, it’s also a message to take things in your own time, to go at your own pace and not “…rush, and to trust that even if your progress appears to be slow, you are making deliberate and distinct strides forward, and are leaving a legacy trailed behind you. [Also, be aware that you’ll be experiencing] feelings of vulnerability”. For the fact that what’s happening will seem like a bit of a ‘rough cut’, you’ll be “…attempting to protect yourself from being hurt”. In that respect, please be compassionate with yourself.

I started heading back to my point of origin, though still travelling cross-country, as Deer would suggest. I saw a large, white, industrial-sized polypropylene bag discarded on a slope up ahead (that I later realized was a roadside embankment). From a personal perspective, I thought it was just what I’d been wanting as a tool for some yard work I’d been doing. I gently pulled at it to retrieve it, but the earth was already well into reclaiming its contents. Part of the bag was open. I assumed the heaviness I’d sensed in it was earthen refuse, but poking at it with the walking stick (thanks again for the gift of it, Spirit) revealed the desiccated fur and bones of a very large dog. As upsetting as it was (especially considering that it’s not the first time I’d been presented with something like this on an Earthwalk), it’s a message not to cling to the past, and to allow the Earth to take what we’re clinging to from us. We all hold memories of loyalties betrayed, experiences/fears about being hurt over and over again, in present, past, and – in fact – in other people’s (present and past) lives. Not only are we helping to facilitate this transformation within our energetic bodies, we’re carrying the weight of those hurts, all the instances where we and others working in a spirit of compassion have been abused, met with fearful resistance over and over again (the sad fact is, there are people in the world who are so resistant to love and acknowledging the value of vulnerability that they can’t even accept the love of a puppy). The effort of holding onto these traumas is another aspect of why we’re feeling drained lately. Our inclination is that, if we release any tendencies we have to use force to protect ourselves against what force gets used against us, we feel as though we’ll just be hurt again. The inner path of your heart is your greatest strength, though; continue to use it, and sidestep the resistance offered by others who can’t understand the direction you’re taking. Send them loving energy (remotely, if necessary), and watch for the synchronicities that result.

After having a good releasing cry and sending loving energy to the situation (between the dog and whomever had unceremoniously dumped it there), I turned on my heels and saw a sun-bleached goat’s skull, an old, broken battery and a rusty chain on the ground ~ the time is passing/passed where you’ll allow others to make you feel bad. This balancing of masculine and feminine energies will allow you to be more grounded and centred, so that you can freely express more of your true, heart-centred, compassionate nature. While it seems that your battery is running low, it’s more to the point that it’s being reengineered and replaced – the old energy structures, the way we’ve connected with other people, other beings, events, and all of life won’t function any longer.  You’re in a position to “…take better custodianship of your talents, gifts and important relationships”. You’re being recreated, and recreating your world, in effect. It’s time to express yourself.

“In truth, you were born to illuminate the world with your Light. The time has come to get out of your own way and allow yourself to be all of who you are meant to be… it is only the thoughts in your mind that hold you back and it takes a lot more energy to hold yourself closed, than it does to let yourself flow open… allow yourself to take up space, to open yourself up and illuminate this world!” ~ Cheryl Lee Harnish

While there are innumerable Universal energies working with you to do so, if you feel that you’d like me to work with you to help uncover what lies within, your unique, hidden skills and abilities, please don’t hesitate to connect The world needs what you have to offer!

Big Medicine Love to You
~ Black Feather
Text in quotations are taken from I Had The Strangest Dream:the Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century by KellySullivan-Walden, except where otherwise specified.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


channelled on the topic of negative self-talk,
6 Nov, 2012 as visual imagery (in bold) and transcribed into text

[inspired an alternate post, "Is it the Biggest Problem in the World?"
for my joint venture with my twin-flame at]

ship’s wheel turning, a hearing horn in an (right-side) ear
changing course,
actively taking control, rising to meet the challenge of
hearing beyond the self-spoken words to read between the lines,
grappling with your difficulty in hearing or listening to criticism, negativity,
in light of a memorable occurrence

pomegranate power (portal)
rebirth and transformation
the power of the feminine and relationships, nurturing, and healing with intention
allowing your power to flow from within, instead of using force
an opening/opportunity to transform your energies,
to release resistance to that which is naturally you/yours

jaws open moray eel
there to teach you the ability to watch (yourself) unseen
for an opportunity to present yourself,
to see how you’ve camouflaged yourself and your emotions

snake (as energy) spraying venom
wisdom, intuition
connecting with your unconscious, mystery and untamed power
your ability to release old incarnations, attachments and identities and reinvent yourself
wisdom that is earned in facing and embracing your shadow
processing through and venting out fear-based words or actions that have injured you,
an influence of your masculine side
the realization that when you harbour poisonous feelings or thoughts
they are energetically spread, such that all around might be poisoned

those who’ve passed before you,
especially those who’ve lived mindlessly,
now encouraging you to open up to another point of view,
to realize the politics of the mind,
the humiliation that is contrast to your joyous spirit
and your infinite potential

arm (as energy) – its underlying structure – (observed,) in space
you are reaching for something
you have the ability to embrace and extend yourself
awareness of self as energy can be disorienting,
crossing through the veil and returning ‘home’
nothing to hold on to,
but the observing,
the awareness that you are the pure potential that
existed before the universe was created
something sacred about to be born

octopus, arms dropping limp (in space)
‘you’, attempting to fulfil your various needs, wants and desires
having been needy, clingy, desperate,
forgetting the truth that all that you need is within you
no longer focussing on the physical, but flowing from within
rather than using force,
acknowledge the Divine flow,
the large spiritual force working with you
the large spiritual force that is you

swimming through space, cotton candy (baby) inside/atop,
rainbow/gas coloured flames, bubbles
navigating through your feelings, exploring your soulful depths
revelling in your sexuality
daring to understand the mysteries of your feminine side
a treat, reward, joyous occasion, through connection to your inner child,
your innocence, vulnerability, and untapped potential
a new project, a relationship is forthcoming,
representing your journey from heaven to earth and from earth back to heaven
growing in your spiritual awareness,
perhaps because you have just undergone an emotional rainstorm
the tendency to hold on to what you know,
but this transformation is necessary and tremendously important
allow it, and you’ll be transformed,
stronger and open to new experiences
after what seems like destruction, all is renewed
try to watch with the wonder of a child,
as though it’s but a reflection
feeling light and joyous
a call for spontaneous celebration of the present moment

orbs (as energy)
beautiful souls,
your beautiful soul,
all around encompassed and guided by the Divine

a flag, staking a claim
an affiliation of which you can be proud
claiming yourself as an earth angel,
and the path you’re guided to walk
staking claim to this now moment
victory won, situation(s) resolved,
having broken the shackles of conditioning,
and reached the truth of your heart,
to say ‘here! now! this is how it is! this is what I am’

wash of milk
healing, detoxing, and releasing negativity,
‘cleaning up your act’ so that you may start again,
fresh, cleansed and renewed
through feminine nurturing of the heart, mind, body, and soul,
you have the sustenance to make it through

mushroom (‘fruitings’)
what you see on the surface is only the fruiting body,
a miniscule part of all that’s been growing beneath
perhaps feeling uncertainty about whether or not a relationship or
opportunity is poisonous or healthy for you
forget about becoming someone special
anything that you take on now,
undertaken with maturity,
will enrich your life and the lives of others
being who you are, it is time to express yourself
(news travels fast)

jellyfish umbrellas
as concerns feelings of helplessness and powerlessness,
protect your thoughts from negative influence
you are well prepared for your current challenge
having a lasting and positive effect on the planet is
part of the Divine plan you created before you came here
the whisperings of your soul calling you to your purpose
take the steps to set this dream in motion
use your gifts in service to others,
in the way that feels right for you

fungus, head of a bird of prey? (not a flesh-eating beak) eyes black, like
crescent moons; stars, guiding

life emerges from decay
nothing truly dies;
there is always hidden opportunity/growth
not being the traditional hunter/predator,
but taking a higher view in your pursuits
seeing the opportunities, the value in
your experience of the highs and the lows,
gained through allowing yourself the freedom of being the observer
in touch with your intuition, your ability to see what is really going on
that which is mysterious, secretive, seductive, unknowable;
a shadow aspect of your power not yet realized
a new beginning in the stage of the feminine
it’s a good time to set intentions
you are Divinely directed, and right on track with your life,
being guided toward your greatest achievement as a guiding star

fleur de lis -being
pay attention to signs, symbols of love,
but know that what’s outer is a sign,
whereas what’s inner – what’s within you – is Love
advance it,
move it forward

necklace theme park archway, midway, roller coaster, ferris wheel, thrill ride(s)
release your inhibited self-expression
amplify what’s within you;
your connection with your childlike, playful essence and the joy of being alive
enjoy your life, even the ups and downs and highs and lows
be open to finding the joy and humour in every situation
enjoy the tumultuousness of the ride
handle uncertainty with an adventurous spirit

fish biting a spit, then gushing water forth
you are ready
no need to fight the masculine you’ve known within you
know your feminine essence,
you as creative element, as sustenance,
and going with the flow
you are yourself, but have yet to know/appreciate yourself,
through exploration of your infinite depths
why wait, celebrate yourself now
your feminine side, emotions and creativity in full flow,
to the benefit of all

[‘broadcast’ tail/fan]

Much appreciation to Osho, Cheryl Lee Harnish, and to Kelly Sullivan-Walden for her book “I Had the Strangest Dream: the Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century”, which I comprehensively reference in the transcription of the images I receive during channellings.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Coyote Medicine: self-sabotage made easy

What’s your Coyote trick that you pull on yourself? Yah, no… pretty much everyone does have one. It’s a thing that you do to get what you want that doesn’t actually get you that whatever-it-is-you‘re-after, except that the doing of it seems like such the right-smart, clever thing to do, that maybe you don’t even notice that you’re not ever getting it.

A better question, perhaps: what’s beneath your Coyote trick? Or, in other words, is there something added onto your motivation that’s different than what it is you think it is you’re after?

For instance, my Coyote trick is Turkey with contrary Fox, coupled with Moose and contrary Weasel. In translation, when it comes to animal medicines and healing, I have a difficult time just helping people. Don’t get me wrong - I absolutely Love what I do. I consider every opportunity to share medicines a total privilege, a Blessing. (If I’m honest with myself though,) my trick is that I often act on a subconscious push to make myself visible and prove my power. As a result of the karma I exposed myself to early in my present lifedream, I often find myself chasing recognition as a way of boosting my self-esteem, rather than just standing in my medicine, following my soul’s mission, and allowing opportunities for healing to come when and as they do (and they always do. After all, I’m really good at what I do! Oops… damned Coyote!).

Not being aware of your Coyote really is like chasing your tail (seems like a silly thing to do, but some dogs just love it, don’t they). You get caught in loop after loop after loop, after… it can distract you from fulfilling your lifedream mission, keep you from effectively using your abilities. For the fact that your abilities in their right medicine can be of such an immense benefit to others, it’s ‘the Dark Ones’ (for lack of a better term) way of trying to pick Great Spirit’s pockets, of ‘reducing the harvest‘, as it were. How many people are missing out for the fact that they’re avoiding - not ‘you’ necessarily, but - your Coyote’s trick, rather than engaging with your Divinely-gifted medicines?

Not only that, but the frustration of chasing your tail can have its consequences. Let’s say, for instance, that a reading or vision quest reveals what your Coyote trick is, and that it typically puts you in situations where you’re ripe for feeling overpowered or overwhelmed by others (described as imbalanced Horse medicine). In similar fashion to how Louise Hay describes metaphysical reasons for physical ailments, these kinds of contrary experiences might manifest as digestive issues. In and of itself, unbalanced Coyote medicine (~ falling under the influence of a scam artist, a disregard for causality, or not being able to laugh at your own folly, especially) can manifest as diabetes.

So, what’s your Coyote trick on yourself? Our own tricks on ourselves can be laughable, but besides having a good chuckle, how can you balance the medicine?
Meditate on it, ask your guides, use Medicine Cards, or ask your friends (unless putting others’ opinions over you own inner knowing is your particular trick. lol). Some starter questions you might want to investigate:

·        what’s my Coyote trick on myself?

·        what’s the motivation behind my Coyote trick?

·        how do I balance (/counteract) the medicine?

·        what to do instead of what Coyote’s had me doing?

If you feel as though it would help you to ‘cut (to) the chase‘, I’d be more than delighted to assist you myself (with my Coyote in the back seat - he‘s definitely worth keeping around for his entertainment value!).
Big Medicine Love to You
~ Black Feather

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Loon Medicine: how conscious dreaming becomes conscious living

Because it’s natural that we do it that way ourselves, we assume that Loon takes an in-breath before diving. Her bones are actually denser than most flying birds, and while this makes her less buoyant and allows her to submerge easier, she actually breathes as much air out as she can before going under, enabling her to dive even faster, deeper.
You need only look at the fact that our breathing slows when we‘re dreaming during sleep to recognize the potential of Loon‘s medicine of breath restriction for accessing other levels of consciousness while awake. She’s a huge proponent of maintaining conscious control - remaining lucid - while doing so, in pursuit of information that will nourish you.
Just as the white dots on Loon’s back are a reflection of the stars, the other states of consciousness she renders accessible open the lines of communication to other worlds and dimensions. While the symbiotic relationship between her physical body and the way she uses her breath teaches us how to coordinate our own in such a way as to enable us to access the astral plane, dreams and other levels of consciousness, it also makes it possible for our guides, angels and spirit helpers in the Dreamtime to access and inform us.
The other day, a friend told me a story in which a pregnant cat had accidentally gotten locked in a neighbour’s backyard shed. She’d given birth while she was in there and didn’t get let out until days later, thoroughly dehydrated and terribly emaciated. Her kittens didn’t survive. That night, I dreamt a version of the story in which I was explaining to someone that - in a previous life - I’d been the man who’d locked the cat in the shed, and that I’d actually been aware of doing so.
What would be the intended purpose of such a dream? It didn’t seem to be as simple as (just) integrating that days events. The guidance I received about it suggested that it was about ‘acceptance concerning others’. While I’d been assured by my friend that the shut-in incident had, indeed, been accidental, the idea that it might actually have been intentional had crossed my mind, if only for a brief moment. When something so seemingly ‘unfair’ happens, it’s a natural inclination to find something or someone to blame - it‘s an anger borne out of feelings of helplessness. Mind you, if you were to extrapolate that inclination, it doesn’t exactly bode well for us as a humane race. Imagine, for instance, how things might play out if the feelings induced by the scenario I just described had been allowed to fester (unchecked); automatic distrust, judgement and anger don’t exactly jive with a world vision of harmonious co-existence. I understood this dream-version to be my spirit guides’ way of maintaining a sense of compassion for others, even in the face of something I’d describe as a ‘heinous’ event, and of helping me to outgrow reactions based on a paradigm that doesn‘t serve intentions for a new earth. By putting me in the position of the perpetrator, I’m reminded that I haven’t been blameless myself, given events in my previous lives (or in this one). Whether it’s of others or of self, no healing can occur without compassion.
Because we do have free will, of course, our spiritual support team will only interject in this way based on our intentions. But in doing so, they influence our mindset in accord with those intentions, thus shapeshifting us and allowing for change in our lifedream’s trajectory. Trusting in them and their input will lead you into more readily trusting yourself. They’re especially good at helping you to get out of your own way, and giving you alternative experiences to learn from, as through your dreams, for instance. Consider that your dreams are the Divine’s dreams. They’re Spirit’s way of helping you to see yourself and others through your angel’s eyes: All (as in ‘all parts of you’) are equally deserving. This is the conscious intention of Loon’s medicine, to increase your awareness by diving within, accessing other dimensions of your Universal self, other realities, and gleaning the wisdom from events that you wouldn’t otherwise experience in your waking, ‘ordinary‘ lifedream.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jaguar Medicine: Integrity

What does it mean to be in integrity?

We all see enough examples of people who appear not to be living in integrity, from the corrupt politician to the person (‘innocently‘) grazing their way through the supermarket produce section.

I used to run myself through ‘the Ruby test’ as a guide: if I was considering doing something that I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling my daughter about, I figured that I probably shouldn’t be doing it. It was a little problematic as a litmus test, though; after all, there were things that I wouldn’t feel I could tell her when she was an infant that I’d be alright telling her now that she’s older.

I’m not by any means saying that I act with integrity in everything I choose to undertake (I don’t have any fewer shadows on my Jaguar coat than the next light-being shrouded in an egoically-driven body), but now I run my motivations for acting past Raccoon and Turtle…

…would the actions I’m considering be of benefit to someone less fortunate? In other words, am I sharing the wealth of the gifts and opportunities I’ve been blessed with to the advantage of someone who could use them, or am I looking instead to obtain something for myself (think of Raccoon as a masked Robin Hood, passing on good fortune).

…will it teach someone how to help themselves, rather than take advantage of or turn them into a victim (am I kicking Turtle onto its back, or allowing it to right itself)?

…is it honouring the healing of Mother Earth (is Turtle smiling as she plods along, carrying all of us on her back, or is she blinking through oil-stained lids)?

The more I meditate on/live it, the more I realize that the ‘right and wrong’ of integrity is forever in flux. With each new experience, it becomes evident that integrity isn’t a static thing. Once we come across something that’s never been perceived before, we’re into totally new territory, and trying to keep up by making value-judgements based on an old paradigm can be really confusing and limiting. That said, Raccoon and Turtle as guides hold true (for me), especially if I envision a world living in balance, with us still in it.

We’re travelling lately, and are nearing Spain at the moment. It’s a place famous for - among other things - bullfighting. I’ve been considering how that resonates with me, and what it means for ‘us’ (’us’ being everything that Mother Earth/Turtle supports). As a medium and healer, I recognize a responsibility to remain non-judgemental. And while I also realize that facing your fears and insecurities is the best way to grow, my personal opinion is that bullfighting is a way of subduing nature in a way that alienates us from our greatest strengths, our integral nature as a manifestation of Spirit‘s Divine Love. It challenges my hope for our peaceful, loving, joyous co-existence on this lovely planet (as much as does seeing statues of horse-mounted, armoured men spearing dragons).

The realization I’ve come to is that the challenge is to recognize, face and heal what you fear, but to do it with love rather than aggression. If you’re doing it with aggression (and not for the evolution of whatever it is that is your challenge), you’re still doing it out of fear, too afraid to Love. There is nothing external to be conquered. It’s an inside job, and it doesn‘t have to be a fight.

(Hearfelt thanks to Licia Berry for permission to use the accompanying image, as well as her healing and profound insight)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Where's my Love-life?

Of all the things I thought I wanted in a relationship, what I was actually looking for and attracting to myself were romantic interests who stoked my ego. I’d be swimming in caked-on self-worth for a while, but inevitably, I’d at some point start to wonder why things weren’t quite working out. Inevitably, I’d find myself back in the love-quest cycle, looking for that dream something/someone else that I imagined must be out there in terms of the perfect relationship (and getting more and more jaded in the process).

Part of the problem - especially after piling up what I saw as successive ‘failures’ - was that I felt so worried about being myself. Not having really known myself didn’t exactly help anything. In trying to project an image of who I thought people would have wanted to see, I was actually blocking myself from receiving what I actually needed (and Deserved).

As much as we all have what we need at every given moment in every given relationship (but that‘s a whole other story), our couplings so often fall short of what we’ve been led to believe exists ‘somewhere out there’ for us; and it does exist, I can assure you. Wouldn’t you like to cut through the loop? Wouldn’t you like to go into a relationship trusting not only that you’ll find/get what you need, but that you’ll be appreciated for being yourself, naturally?

Our angels and guides know us better than we know ourselves. It helped me immensely to ask for Guidance on a few probing questions, and now my twin-flame and I would like to pass on the blessings of the medicines that were revealed to us. Whether you’re questioning your romantic relationships or friendships, let us help you transform your ‘search’ into ‘flow’, and then get ready to Receive…

“Looking for Love (in all the wrong places)?”

Beginning with insights into what you need and dont need in a partner, followed by delving into your strengths and challenges, this intuitive reading with Jenny and Black Feather will give you a start on moving into a deeper understanding of yourself as an engaged participant in a fulfilling relationship.

Think of this as a kind of situational analysis of your love life. The goal of this introductory session is to focus in on the gifts you bring to a love relationship, oversights you may have made in the past, and recurring patterns that can be adjusted. The purpose is to provide you with clarity and a fresh perspective that will allow you to approach relationships with renewed enthusiasm.

Our desire is for you to attain your most soul-felt longings and to leave behind everything that no longer serves you. Let us help you take a step on that path.

$177 per person. Includes a situational analysis and write-up by Jenny and Black Feather.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


My guides suggested I do an intuitive portrait for "Hamlet". At first, I'd assumed it to be a description of the lifedream of the actual person that the famous Shakespearean character was based on, but it's perhaps more likely that it's intended for someone who's alive presently, having Hamlet as a nickname.

(click on the image to see it in greater detail)

If the theme or some of the imagery resonates with you (perhaps you'd like me to describe the symbolism of some of the characters for you, leading to an interpretation), send me an email:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Accepting the Wind

Most of us don’t see angels, in the same way that we don‘t see wind. What we see is evidence of their effects. Focussing upon (or close to) the present moment, we might see a tree’s branches waving, for instance. In extreme conditions, branches may break or a tree might be blown completely over. As in the case of seeing trees that have fallen in the forest, we may not have seen the actual event, but we still infer that it was previous wind activity that caused it (you could say we’re observing ‘evidence of evidence’ of wind).

Taking a longer view, wind has an impact on the shape of a tree. Notwithstanding the countless other influences that can also come into play (the relative angle of the sun, the activities of animals, insects and disease, the availablity of water and nutrients, to name just a few), due to the effects of wind, they don’t grow to be perfectly symmetrical. In much the same way as our muscles are stimulated to grow when we put extraordinary stress on and then rest them, when wind moves a branch in such a way as to cause considerable stress on its holding wood (such that the tree ‘worries‘ it might break there), the tree is motivated to send additional nourishment there, to strengthen itself in that location. The supplementary wood added will cause a tree’s branches and stems to grow in a different direction than it otherwise would (that’s why trees along shorelines - where the winds come at them in one predominant direction - are so obviously assymetrical).

Hypothetically, if the wind (and all other influences) acted upon a tree in all directions at once/equally, a tree would grow perfectly symmetrically. If no influences acted upon the tree, it wouldn’t hold together. In other words, it wouldn’t exist. Why would a tree grow a trunk or stretch out its canopy, if not to reach for the sun?

The initial prompt for writing this post came in the form of a vision I was shown that depicted two opposing hands, their inner edges shaped in such a way that they delineated the outer form of a tree. The shape of the tree itself was how we might draw a simplified evergreen: triangular, symmetrical, ‘perfect’. Surprising to me, but the large, ‘Divine-looking’ hands looked like those of a demon. It had started me wondering. Besides thinking about how forces affect trees, the vision got me to thinking about influences that act upon our selves and our experiences. In this material reality, we don’t grow perfectly symmetrically, either. Without the influences acting upon our own ‘edges‘, neither would we exist.

In our minds, when the wind stirs a branch, it’s a beauty to behold, but - generally speaking - when it breaks a branch, it’s a shame. Considering the natural biases in how we’re designed as humans, from an aesthetic viewpoint, the flowing lines of an intact branch are more pleasing to our eyes, whereas the jagged edges of a broken one can appear as an affront to our sensibilities. A smooth, even line is more likely to be associated with peace; a jagged shape with pain or disharmony. But we wouldn’t consider the wind itself is ‘bad’ for having brought about the effect of a broken branch, though. We wouldn’t label it as evil. However, we do have a tendency to label some of the influences acting upon our selves that way.

In terms of what they present to us, our Demons are as necessary as our Angels. Put in perspective, I don’t think anyone would argue that the Angel of Death isn’t essential. To this point in our evolution at least, our demons (our shadows) have provided the necessary resistance that allowed for our edges to be delineated. Not only have they been part of what made our existence on this plane possible and stimulated us to become the multifaceted beings we are, they’ve helped make us Aware of our preferences - in fact, the nature of our very Be-ing - in our struggle towards the light.

Having said all of that, don’t think for a single now moment that I’m espousing an affiliation with the demonic realms. The truth is, though, that the best way to realize the essence of what you Are is to send love to wherever resistance has impacted you. If the entity you’ve sent love to can’t accept it, it’ll realize it’s not in resonance with you and move on. More importantly, perhaps, you’ll realize that you’re not in resonance with it. Accept it - without judgement - as having been part of your growth, and realize that it can never diminish you as Spirit. It‘s served its purpose of getting you to know something of your true nature.

It’s been a struggle down here, sure, but goodness, hasn’t it been damned illuminating?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gentleness: Demon Medicine

In my healing work, I sometimes find energies/entities ‘hanging on’ to the person I’m working with. I call them ‘riders‘, for the fact that they’re relying on the person for something they can’t provide for themselves. Most often, they’re present because we feel that we need them for something we can’t do for ourselves. Although there are a great many categorizations, to all intents and purposes, many people would describe what I’m talking about as demons.

Personally, I used to wonder whether demons existed or not. I figured that they were probably just a construct, something that people took advantage of to describe behaviours they engaged in that maybe weren’t so nice. It seemed a great way to put responsibility for things outside of yourself, as in, “Sure, it appeared as though it was me bonking you upside the head and making your life miserable, but it was that external supernatural force made me do it!”

Well, from my own experience, I can assure you that they do exist. That said, though, they’re (also) a projection; t
hey function as a mirror, reflecting unseen aspects of our deeper self and supporting us to become whole. Taken in that light, I can also assure you that they’re nothing to be afraid of. For all intents and purposes, it’s most effective to view them as entities separate from ourselves…

A demon only has power in three ways. One: they use yours. Two: they’ll persist so long as you remain consciously unaware that they are present. And three: by permission.

Sometimes, their influence is fairly benign. As an entity unto itself, a demon might be drawn to a person mostly for the sake of the protection that person affords them (go figure). In other instances, we might invite them in inadvertently, at a time when we’re so challenged by life, so engrossed in our hurt and anger and the earthly unfairness of our situation that we lose all sense of connection to the Loving power that we innately came into the world with. Sometimes, as in the case of severe emotional abuse, we might even call them in, so that we can feel stronger than our abuser; taken further, as a wish for harm upon them. In a position of seeming weakness, it’s a natural tendency to want to feel more powerful than the person who’s inflicting pain upon us. Because our experience was that our abuser had the capacity to hurt us, aligning with the qualities that they exhibit but to a greater extent should make us more powerful than them and leave us better protected, no?

We see this kind of perversion of power in the world around us all the time, in the competitive nature of politics or business, for instance. Because we see it so prevalently as the overriding power, it seems that it’s the only alternative. Other forms of power - that of gentleness, for instance - get pushed to the wayside as not being nearly as effective (or as interesting, but that‘s a whole other topic).

Sometimes, people purposefully invite demons in because of the magical powers they seem to afford (they’re often handed down generationally, even). Ultimately, though, it’s a feigned power that diminishes the host. In fact, it’s your power, and in effect, you‘re draining yourself of it.

As part of the relationship, they do help you to be a little more aware of your own power, but never let you realize to what extent it’s actually your own. If you are conscious of their presence, you’re most likely to be under the delusion that it’s theirs and that you need them for it. It’s like only being able to notice the carrot dangling on the stick in front of you, when in fact your back pockets are bulging with them.

I’m not advocating going out and worshipping them, but I will say that demons serve a sacred purpose, just like anything else. They’re as much a part of Great Spirit’s plan as you or I. On a greater soul level, nothing happens without our permission. We might allow a rider to act in a symbiotic relationship with us for the purposes of keeping us out of awareness of our full power until such time as we can handle it with integrity. This might seem a bit simplistic an explanation, perhaps, but I believe another of their Divine purposes is to help earth angels (such as yourself) to realize the aspect of your own considerable power described as Gentleness.

A demon is most often present as a means of making you aware of something that isn’t serving you.. It’s there to constantly poke you, as a way to call attention to some belief, thought pattern or behaviour that you‘ve become conditioned to believe about yourself. As an example, if you’re constantly choosing love interests who can’t commit because experiences in your early life influenced you to hold the misguided opinion that you aren’t worth committing to, a demon might serve to steer you (with glazed eyes) into a relationship with someone even less suited to the vision of the faithful partner you think you want than your previous one.

Let’s face it, we often learn best through adversity. While a demon can take you to your absolute ‘bottom’, the purpose is to point out to you that you actually are worth loving, to take you back to that childlike trust and knowing you had before you incorporated whatever erroneous belief you‘ve been holding that suggest otherwise. Sometimes, that means things getting progressively worse, until that moment when we’re forced to - yet again - ask ourselves the question, “Do I really deserve this?” Except this time, there’s no other possible answer but “No!”

So, if you believe you have one, what do you do with a demon? Open yourself to the realization that every part of you is loveable. Be gentle. Be innocent. Smile. Sing. If you’re moved to express yourself that way, even encorporate a joyful dance (laughing joyfully kicks ass, too). They won’t necessarily, but if you feel you need to allow your demon to spit, bellow and moan until it fizzles itself out, go right ahead. As I mentioned, they’re a reflection, a reflection of your own accumulated pain, fear and anger. In essence, you’d be letting them vent it for you. Just don’t project it onto your self (that’s most certainly what you’ve been doing since you picked them up). And if they are kicking up a stink, be aware not to feed them (anger, fear, self-importance, etc), and don‘t take their expressions personally. They can’t exist in your lifedream without your say-so, so tell them to give you a gift (and actually, ‘demand’, rather than ‘ask‘), thank them for whatever they‘ve been there to help you with, integrate the lesson, and send them on their way. You have places to go yourself; you’re on your way to Sacred Mountain.

it’s not the old paradigm any more
we’re not in Kansas (we’re somewhere much, much more interesting)

Postscript for energy healers: if you happen into a situation where it seems there’s an energy/entity somewhere associated with your patient that you’re not quite sure is ‘good’ or ‘bad’, perhaps you’re asking questions of it, and the answers you’re getting - while the intent seems to be one of reassurance - don’t seem quite satisfying, try this lovely little ‘trick‘. It’s a beautiful technique, not least because it’s so effortless. It doesn’t require any second-guessing of yourself, such as, “Gee, in the movies, demons use a person’s weaknesses against them. With the skeletons I’ve got in my closet (and who doesn‘t?), if this is what I think it might be, am I gonna be screwed here?” Use your hands as a mirror to send energy from the entity back onto itself. They don’t much like that - it‘s a great way of letting them do themselves in. Once you’ve ascertained that it’s something neither you, your guides, your patient and their guides feel would be happy to have remain, tell the entity that it’s served its purpose, thank it for having done so, and tell it that it’s time for it to go. As much as it’s likely unaware of the fact, it’s given a deeper permission that its presence be revealed at this time. No negotiation is necessary, but before you send it off, tell it to give up its gift to its host. In most cases, the gift will shed light on the reason for it having been there. If it seems that the entity is lingering, I can’t advise strongly enough against taking the entity upon yourself, even if it is out of compassion for your patient. For one thing, it isn’t your medicine to carry - you‘d be doing everyone else involved a disservice. For another: been there, done that, don’t go there. Afterwards (provided it‘s alright with your client, of course), send me an email to tell me what happened; I’d love some fun reading.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Pink Elephant

Is “The Pink Elephant” yours?

Sometimes I’ll be guided to do a portrait before someone has requested it. For the fact that past, present and future actually occur simultaneously, it happens sometimes. I see it as Spirit’s way of getting me do the work of creating a portrait at a time when I’m not overbusy or otherwise occupied. It’s usually not long thereafter that the intended person shows up. In the most recent instance, during her healing session, a woman mentioned what she remembered as a waking dream to me that she‘d had as a young girl. I connected the dots and realized that a portrait I’d started previously included an illustration specific to the incident. What was revealed eased her mind about something that had puzzled her about the situation ever since, by providing an explanation as to why a certain significant other had responded to her in the way that she had at the time.

That said, this particular intuitive portrait has me a bit puzzled. It’s been occupying a space on my desk for some time now, and it’s ‘owner’ hasn’t shown up yet! (Okay, maybe I’m not as puzzled as I am impatient. Ha!)

So, how’s about I try to mention just enough of the portrait to make it recognizable, without giving away overmuch personal information? Okay? Okay…

The woman drawn in darker outline wearing the light blue turtleneck sweater is the portrait subject. She’s reaching her right hand out towards something that she senses is there but that (I don’t think) she actually sees - it’s represented by the pink elephant. The woman has a surprised look on her face, though, because in return she’s experiencing a physical feeling/response as though something is actually responding by touching her back. I’d describe the woman’s reaction as ‘disconcerting’. She might be worried that people will see her as crazy, but - I assure you - she’s not. As much as exploring the situation might seem really frightening (she‘s certainly worried about getting out of her ‘comfort zone‘), I’m sure that her going over this portrait with me would clarify an immense amount for her. Not to mention that it would bring her into a place of power, as compared to the feelings of fear and weakness she’s likely experiencing now.

To identify things further, I believe that some of the characters above her illustrate something to do with an environmental issue in the family history. I’d describe it as a ‘sore spot’, even. It has to do with a difference between what was acceptable as a fix as far as human-made laws went (thus the appearance of the crow and its reflection in the water), but which you wouldn’t see as acceptable in regard to Higher/Spiritual/Divine law. A manufacturing plant/factory took a measure intended to at least make it appear that it was doing something to clean up its act. It ‘fixed’ the (auto/vehicle?) plant’s toxic output by scaling down the outflow from one (pipe), but actually, mostly just diverted it through the other, and made it less conspicuous by extending that second outflow so that it wasn’t as visible (Mother Nature is not the only one who wasn’t happy about it).

So, if this sounds familiar to you personally, or a close friend has confided in you and you feel that it’s hers, I’d be more than delighted to do what I can to help this particular person out. That be the case, you can contact me via phone or email. Otherwise, if it resonates with you to spread the reach of this message a little further, I (and she, I well imagine) would appreciate you passing it on by sharing it.

Big Medicine Love to You
~Black Feather

If you’d like more information about intuitive portraiture, this site is a little dated, but it’ll give you pretty much all the information you’d need:

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Nature of Change: Turning Fear into Bear

Wow! When people told me 2012 would be a year of change, I couldn’t have foreseen how wholeheartedly - how whole-souledly - I’d be throwing myself into it!

I was away for most of the winter at my long-lost sister’s in Austria. Besides the gratitude I have for the opportunity to have been able to reconnect with her and be part of some amazing healing experiences within the family, being in such a loving environment also afforded me the security of a safe place to release through some life-changing experiences with the process of shamanic death.

Winter… season of hibernating, introspection, and death. Having an appreciation for the processes/seasons of nature is one thing, but - Shaman or not - ‘on the ground’, there was a lot more resistance involved on my part (as compared to what an ascended being with a Divine overview might experience. Ha!).

Sure, somewhere in the back of my mind lay (dormant) the knowledge that spring would come, and rebirth, fresh, new and squeeky-clean. But while you’re in it and your adult mind is playing you, one Coyote trick after another (argghhh), hell is a womb. Oddly enough, as scary as it was, after a few shake-ups, it actually felt weirdly warm and comfortable for me to be there. At some point, I became aware that the Fear I felt had become so familiar that I actually started to feel more vulnerable about coming out of it than staying in… a good sign (in hindsight. Ha!). I realized that since I’d been courageous enough to accept this journey in the first place, reminded myself that we do this over and over, birth after birth, I stopped resisting. I came to the point where I felt that there was nothing I could personally ‘do’ to ‘fix‘ things. I gave it up to my higher power, opened myself up, and reached out for love. As inevitably follows, ‘spring’ did, indeed, come.

I gained a real appreciation of the idea that death is not the unfamiliar, the unknown that we all fear. It’s a return to the centre, and where we come from. Without our mind’s machinations getting a hold of us, we have in innate awareness that it is, on the deepest level, a journey about Love, a re-birth, a return to greater Love. What lies ahead is more of ‘us’.

I say ‘us’, because we’re not just rebirthed as individuals…

Look at Bear. Bear gives birth, hardly waking, in the sleep mode, the ‘death’ mode of winter. As the days get longer, the light starts to get brighter. She wakes up and leaves the den with her cub(s). Having gone in as bear, she emerges as mother.

Sure, not having eaten for so long, she’s bound to be a little shaky at his point, but her transformation is not unsupported; as nature would have it, all the things that will sustain her also wake up and start their new growth cycles.

Part of what the shamanic death experience is is being willing to face your successive deaths as a natural process of growth, and of reaching for the sun. Thankfully, I was prepared to die (even more thankfully, I didn’t have to. Hahaha!).

So, did anything else come out with me when I got ‘birthed’? Yes!! And thinking about it now, I just realized that it’s no coincidence that my partner has Bear as a totem!

Throughout the winter, my twin-flame and I were separated (geographically speaking), each of us going through our own individual experiences of letting go (long story short). Thankfully, we were there for each other in support through our ordeals, to remind each other (metaphorically) what winter teaches us, and - most thankfully - helping each other navigate a course through the darkness.

Rubbing our eyes and shaking the weariness out of our heads, we came out into the luscious green of spring‘s new growth to realize that something new had indeed been created, and we’re really excited about it. Tip of the iceberg: we’ll be working together a lot more, combining our individual talents, abilities and experience. Jenny’s an exceptional intuitive and healer.  She's especially good at helping people to access the powerful transformative energies of change. If you feel that you've benefited from my help in the past, you'll Love what she and I can do for you together! 
As a taster, I’ve made some changes to the 'Services and Mission' page, and added one of our combined offerings, so you can take advantage of Jenny‘s expertise already. ‘Pinpoint Your Power’ is our commitment to helping you access your power in a way that best enables you to squeeze out every drop of magnificence that you are. It’s like tapping into fuel you didn’t even know you had! On top of everything we’ve been working on, we’ve also developed a great referral program that enables you to take advantage of things like, well, your own ‘Pinpoint Your Power‘ session, for one! …as well as credit towards any of the services I offer.

Black Feather Medicine will still exist, but it’ll be part of something Bigger. As I alluded to, what I’ve offered previously will still be available, but ‘morphing’ somewhat. Please be patient as the transformation is taking place. Big Medicine Love to You, and more coming!!

~ Black Feather and Jenny Griffin